Email marketing best practices involve getting to know your customer and your business a bit better.

When you hear the words “email marketing,” the first thought that usually comes to mind is SPAM. We all get suckered into those promo emails that never seem to deliver anything more than strategically hidden unsubscribe buttons. That’s not what we’re talking about!

Email is still one of the most widely used forms of communication. In fact, 3.9 billion people use email every day. Once more, over 73% of millennials prefer to use it out of all modes of digital communication. This means email marketing, good email marketing, is important and has a massive audience to leverage.  These are our top email marketing best practices to get you back into email marketing, the right way.

Share your Brand’s Personality

If you’re at the stage of researching email marketing best practices, you likely have a business model, products and services, as well as a solid customer base. That’s great! But, when it comes to email marketing, getting to know your business involves a bit more digging. Email marketing is your chance to get personal with customers and getting personal involves sharing your personality. I guess that’s obvious, but what isn’t obvious to customers is what makes your business tick.

Ask yourself, what topics showcase your brand’s personality within the vicinity of your product or service offering? For example, if you sell tea, perhaps sharing your favourite calming techniques or books might help attract customers near your target audience. This gives you a chance to appeal to new customers while maintaining intrigue among your current fans.

Get on your Customer’s Level

To best connect with your target audience, you must speak to consumers on their level. Use language and ideas that appeal to your niche audience. If you’re looking to make waves in high-brow literary communities and your audience likes facts and details, avoid colloquialisms or trendy fads. Your audience must perceive your newsletter as a valuable source of information that they either read immediately or enjoy reading when they’re available. This rule applies to any niche industry.

If you’re writing about events and parties to audiences under the age of 25, headers and taglines that read like text messages are a great way to capture attention. Honestly, I’m serious!! Speaking your customer’s language is key to your email marketing best practices. It can make the difference between SPAM-and-unsubscribe versus that FOMO-and-read-more feeling.

Create Engagement Opportunities

There are many popular news sources that use email marketing to drive traffic – and they’re successful. If your goal is to increase business and build a stronger client base, develop content that creates digital interaction. Embed videos, polls, and promoting opportunities to have customers’ ideas shared in your newsletter are all valuable tools.

Think of email marketing engagement as a feedback-and-feedforward system. Your customers rely on you for valuable information and you rely on customers to confirm whether your content is of value. You can leverage this to your advantage by allowing customers to be heard and included. When providing engagement opportunities, be sure to be concise and get to the point quickly. Avoid arduous reads with your final sentence serving as the value statement.

When it comes to dated ideas on email marketing best practices, the common condenses is that it’s SPAM and isn’t effective. As expert content writers and digital strategists, we can tell you that this is misleading. Sure, bad email marketing is annoying and no one wants anything to do with it. On the other hand, great email marketing builds relationships and helps foster new business. What great tools do you use for your email marketing best practices? Email us at [email protected] to share and be featured on our next post.